Our Supporters

First and foremost, we recognise that many people who resonate with this work and wish to help may not feel entirely comfortable with the new tools and techniques we have developed for enacting restorative justice. If you're still new to web3 and don't feel comfortable participating in any of the auctions we run, you can still contribute via our Open Collective page in a more traditional manner. All proceeds will go towards ensuring we can continue to provide the honest and clear service to which we are committed.

Open Collective


We would like to make special mention of a dear friend who goes by the internet pseudonym "dievardump" for the critical and insightful work he did reviewing our contracts. It is only because of people like this that we are able to do what we do.

Some other friends who have, in some small way, helped us take this path are also listed below.



Simona Pop

Simona Pop

Heaven will last,
earth will endure.
How can they last so long?
They don’t exist for themselves
and so can go on and on.